What You’ll Get as a Juniorette

The purpose of Juniorettes clubs is to let you lead. We know you want to do good…this is your chance. Plus, you’ll get those coveted volunteer hours you need for graduation and post-grad applications. The Oswego Juniorettes are an active group of young women, ranging from 8th grade to high school  seniors who want to make a difference in the community.

You’ll take on board and committee leadership with mentoring and guidance from OJWC advisors. And your club gets to choose volunteer projects that mean something to you and align with your values.

A Club is Only as Successful as Each Member Makes It

In accepting membership, each of you promises to give your time and effort to the projects and activities of the Oswego Junior Woman’s Club. You pledge your faith and loyalty to the officers of this organization, GFWC-IL, and GFWC. You promise to give our club the benefit of your wisdom and experience and will try to think only in terms of the good of OJWC as a whole. We are a service club and your pledge at initiation sums up your responsibilities: the giving of your time, your talents, your friendship, faith, loyalty and wisdom.

Remember: A few members cannot run a club; it takes the cooperation of every member.

Membership dues are $35 for the entire year. You can pay here.

Ready? Fill out the application today!

Become a Juniorette


For over 39 years, GFWC has sponsored Juniorettes clubs and OJWC is proud to sponsor a Juniorettes club of our own. Our ultimate goal is to develop young women into community leaders  who  apply their talents, interests, and abilities in General club activities as adults.

At least one OJWC advisor attends all Juniorettes club meetings to mentor and train Juniorettes to govern themselves. Juniorettes elect their own board leadership and select philanthropic projects to make a positive impact on the community. OJWC advisors also bring in speakers and host programming to develop additional life skills in club members.

Become a Juniorette