The Club Year Is Starting!

Please read through this information carefully — there’s a lot of it!

First Meeting Info

Our first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 8 at 7:15pm at Riverside Pizza & Pub in Oswego. It should last an hour and we will never go later than 8:30pm.

We will have pizza and water. If you would like to order sodas or juice, please bring a few dollars and feel free to get what you want.

Meeting Dates for the Club Year – Put These in Your Calendar!

Our other meeting dates for the year are: 10/13/21, 11/10/21, 12/8/21, 1/12/22, 2/9/22, 3/9/22, 4/13/22, 5/11/22. We will always meet at Riverside Pizza & Pub and always start at 7:15pm, unless you hear otherwise. Please put these meeting dates and times in your calendar.


Dues are $25 for the year. You can pay by bringing cash or check made out to Oswego Junior Woman’s Club. We ask that everyone pay their dues by our October meeting.

Your Advisors

Your advisors are Rachelle Koenig, Kristen Stott, Kelly Hastings, and Carla Vander Loop. At least one of us will be at every meeting. Feel free to text Rachelle at (773) 255-7794 if you have any questions.

We look forward to seeing you!