Dues are $50 per year and must be received by October 1st of the year to be included in the GFWC yearbook. Dues will be prorated for members joining after January 1st. Our dues help fund our local club to pay for small items, such as our P.O. Box and other small expenses. Dues dispensed to the District, State and National levels help pay for travel expenses and fund larger projects.
Club Year
Our Club Year begins in August and continues through May. While we do get together socially during the summer, we will not have any official Club activities during those months.
Time Commitment
OJWC values each member their own unique individual. We achieve more when we work together. We also believe you “give what you can with what you have.” Not everyone can attend every event, and we do not expect everyone to participate in every community event. Between busy schedules with work, families and other commitments, we ask you dedicate 15 hours between August and May to community service projects.
How to Apply
Applications are available under the ‘Membership’ tab. We ask basic contact information and a little more about you–what are your areas of expertise, have you volunteered with other organizations or are you new to the area and looking for a group of women to get to know?
For more information, please contact our Membership Chair, Carrie Niesman, or send us a message on our Facebook page.